Bill Treasurer is a Kaleidoscope Leader

Bill Treasurer is a Kaleidoscope Leader

Kaleidoscopes are really cool toys. Turn them or shake them and they surprise you with their ever changing cavalcade of sparkles! But, the stones inside (granddaughters call them jewels) never change. You don’t open up a kaleidoscope and change the cut glass that...
The Rules of Combat and Open-Door Leadership

The Rules of Combat and Open-Door Leadership

Hugh L. McColl, Jr. is the retired chairman and CEO of Bank of America. An ex-marine officer in the late fifties, his business leadership style was swashbuckling, colorful and focused. Wall Street analysts characterized him as a no-holds barred tactical genius who...
Who’s your favorite mentor?

Who’s your favorite mentor?

Throughout your life and career, you’ve undoubtedly had a few mentors, even if they weren’t officially given the title. Your parents, teachers, coaches, bosses, pastors. All mentors. I’ve written about a couple of my best mentors: my dad–Ray...