How Do You Get the CEO to Care About Customers?

How Do You Get the CEO to Care About Customers?

It is a question I get a lot from customer service leaders. They are convinced there is a missed tactic that, if implemented, would have the C-suite camping out in the contact center and inviting customers to board meetings. When I outline a number of possible...
Clear the Customer Experience Parking Lot

Clear the Customer Experience Parking Lot

Parking lot.  We use it in the meeting management world to mean an agenda item that is tabled for later discussion.  It is generally posted on a sheet of flip chart paper, taped on the meeting wall, and then placed on the agenda of the next meeting so it is...
Are You a Disrupter?

Are You a Disrupter?

“If I had asked customers what they wanted,” Henry Ford is rumored to have said, “They would have said faster horses.”  Now, before you fire your market research person, it is important to remember Henry Ford’s arrogance about customers also lead him to chide,...
Add Sprinkles to Your Customers’ Experiences

Add Sprinkles to Your Customers’ Experiences

“Anyone who’s a chef, who loves food, ultimately knows that all that matters is: Is it good? Does it give pleasure?” wrote the late Anthony Bourdain, celebrity chef and host of the TV show Parts Unknown.   Innovative service is a blend of these same two...