The Right Side of Thanksgiving

The Right Side of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving. We all know it as a day of gratitude. That is the left side of the word.  While the origin of the day goes back to 1536 during the reign of Henry the 8th, in this country we associate it most with the Pilgrims in Plymouth in the early 1600s who...
Thanking Those Who Quietly Serve

Thanking Those Who Quietly Serve

It happened in the Atlanta airport—one of the busiest on the planet.  I was sitting in the Delta gate area waiting to board my flight.  A slightly stooped Asian woman with a droid-like expression and robotic movement was making her way through the waiting areas...
Thanking Customers the Innovative Service Way

Thanking Customers the Innovative Service Way

Most customer relationships don’t end in conflict…most vanilla to death. Neglect is more dangerous than strife; indifference more costly than error. Great relationships are fueled by affirmation. Nurturing the bounty of customer loyalty requires more than proper...